“The ethic of species conservation is indeed a bizarre one. It is a view that holds the conservation of populations of certain kinds of beings to be more important than the well-being of the individuals in these populations. It essentially amounts to the reduction of non-human individuals to being mere means to the end of keeping some kind of status quo in nature. There are two obvious problems with this view, the first being that there is no such thing as a status quo in nature in the first place. The “natural state” of nature that we are asked to conserve was never a “conservational” one in the first place, and least of all at the level of species, since 99.9 percent of all species that have ever lived on Earth are now extinct. Different species of life have arisen and disappeared constantly. This has been the natural state of things for the entire history of life, which implies that, ironically, our effort to conserve nature — which usually means nature as it is right now, or perhaps a few decades or centuries ago — is in some sense a most unnatural one.
The second and even bigger problem with the ethic of species conservation is that it is starkly unethical and speciesist, which should be obvious if we again shift our focus to humans. For in the case of humans, we would never be tempted to spend resources to try to conserve certain kinds of people — e.g. a certain race of humans — as doing so clearly would amount to a failure to see other humans as ends in themselves, and a failure to understand the core aim of ethics. For what matters is sentient individuals and their well-being, not the preservation of certain kinds of individuals. This is all plain common ethical sense when it comes to humans, of course, yet when it comes to non-human beings, we have turned a profoundly speciesist ethic into unquestioned, and almost universally praised, (im)moral dogma, an ethic that overlooks individuals, and which takes the worst kind of instrumental view of non-human animals.
Thus, the rejection of speciesism clearly requires that we abandon the ethic of species conservation and realize that it is no more defensible to strive to conserve species of non-human kind than it is to conserve human races — that conservation of kinds of individuals, whether human or non-human, simply is not the aim of any sane ethical stance. And it is indeed bizarre that we seem to show deep concern for the existence of some beings, for instance orangutans and panda bears, just because they belong to a threatened species, while we at the same time directly support the exploitation and suffering of other beings, such as chickens and fish, just because they belong to another species. Our speciesism could hardly be clearer. A speciesism that the ethic of species conservation not only fails to question, but which it actively reinforces and perpetuates.”
— Magnus Vinding, Speciesism: Why It Is Wrong and the Implications of Rejecting It (2015)